Pastoral Care

Outstanding Pastoral Care ensures our students are happy, healthy and best placed to fulfil their potential.

Every parent wants to be assured that their child will be happy at school and at Slemish College, it’s the little things that make a big difference. Our welcoming atmosphere ensures that all students feel comfortable. Specially trained 6th Form Peer Mentors meet the students on arrival at Slemish College, whether it be for sitting the test for Academic Entry, attending the Year 8 Induction Session in June, attending the Year 8 Induction days in September or during the Year 8 trips. Junior School students look forward to registration time when their Peer Mentors organise team building activities or help them settle in to school life.

Our Buddy System is available to help students develop friendships even before they start the college and parents have praised the many opportunities this has offered to allay the fears that are often associated with starting ‘big school’. Our experienced, dedicated Pastoral Care team is committed to helping our students throughout their school life and we are proud of the positive parental relationships we develop, ensuring that we are working together to ensure our young people achieve success.

We recognise that for many working parents, mornings and evenings present their own challenges so in the mornings the Nurture Room is available in the Special Needs Department, whilst our award winning refectory is open early to ensure students have the opportunity for that all important breakfast. Homework Club is open from Monday to Thursday until 4:15pm, allowing all students to avail of support from experienced Learning Support Assistants.

We have a zero tolerance approach to bullying and students can anonymously use our mobile text service or student comment box to report bullying.

Every Friday a professional counsellor is available in the Student Services Room and students can self-refer or be referred with parental permission.

Within the College there is a Drugs Education Programme which focuses on self-esteem and the ability to make decisions.  The College has also set in place a policy for dealing with drug related incidents, in accordance with NEELB advice. The Policy is available to download here.


Pastoral Structure 2024-25

Heads of School

Junior School (Years 8-10) Miss L Murray
Senior School (Years 11-12) Mr G Lynn
Upper School (Years 13-14) Mrs D Mitchell

Year 8

Learning Coordinator: Mrs M O'Donovan

Form Teachers:

8VNR Mrs V Dempsey
8DGR Mrs D Gunning
8ADR Mrs AM Dempsey
8CAA Mrs C Anderson
8CSA Mrs C Sexton
8EWA Mrs E Wilson
8HDA Mrs H Doig

Year 9

Learning Coordinator: Mrs A Donnelly

Form Teachers:

9GCR Mrs U Graham / Mrs A McCallion
9PLR Mr P Leetch
9BCR Mrs B Burns / Miss F McCormack
9LFA Mrs L Fox
9BKA Miss B Keenan 
9JCA Mr J Cowden 
9MHA Mrs M Heggarty

Year 10

Learning Coordinator: Mr D Kelly

Form Teachers:

10LSR Mrs L Scott
10SBR Mrs S Boyd
10HMR Mrs H McKay 
10FKA Mr F Keeley
10SNA Mrs S Nicholl
10CRA Mrs C Reeves
10GMA Mrs G McAlonan

Year 11

Learning Coordinator: Mrs D Thompson

Form Teachers:

11TL Mr T Lowry
11RC Mrs R Cameron 
11AC Mr A Cuthbert
11SL Mrs S Leetch
11SB Mr S Black
11LN Mrs L Nicholl

Year 12

Learning Coordinator: Mrs P McHugh

Form Teachers:

12PN Mr P McAnea
12MD Mrs M Dale
12LA Mrs L Averell
12CH Miss S Hardy
12SR Mr S Harvey
12MK Mrs M Kelly / Miss B Hardy

Year 13

Learning Coordinator: Mrs D Mitchell

Assistant Learning Coordinators: Mrs K Bennett & Mrs J Armstrong

Form Teachers:

13JA Mrs J Armstrong
13LM Miss L McCullough
13SS Mrs S Smith
13ZI Mrs Z Ings

Year 14

Learning Coordinator: Mrs D Mitchell

Assistant Learning Coordinators: Mrs K Bennett & Mrs J Armstrong

Form Teachers:

14KB Mrs K Bennett
14RH Mr R Hunter
14OM Mrs O Murtagh
14CG Ms C Mulligan